Monday, December 26, 2011



Face Book Group (My Shikarpur منهنجي شڪارپور)

The cause of the group is very clear and it can be read in info of the page, why was this created for and what is the vision and mission of the moderator of the group

I would put humble request before all members/friends as following:

1. Try to promote Shikarpur

2. Try to find out new stories/history/hidden things around the district and city

3. Find those people, who contributed a lot for Shikarpur and are forgotten ones now

4. Try to older and healthy culture of the city, which evolved civil society that added beauty to the city in return

5. Try to find new avenues of knowledge, we all need to know

6. Try to explore old Shikarpur, that was famous for and wide for its healthy culture

7. Try to find new writings, tablets, epitaphs, whatever , you find new

8. Try to share the older pictures, videos, interviews, magazines, books, tabloids, reports, surveys and etc

9. Try to get friends involved in certain activity, which enhances knowledge, glory and respect

10. Try not to forget present Shikarpur, do focus fresh and healthy traditions and compare ill-wills with older healthy traditions as well

11. Try not to be personalized, bias or frenzy

12. Try to be rational, wise and leading in the line, you focus

Hope, friends will get me and they should keep in mind that singly I am nothing to do all things, plz engage yourself, be part of the vision and mission and carry on the efforts to give knowledge to the world and those Shikarpuri people who are away and unknown of the things, we are discussing here.

Ghafoor Saeen, as for as the Qilo Qaflo is concerned, I saw only one wall as the token of the whole qilo, but that was either crumbled down itself or broken, both actions show our meager interest in historical heritage.

It is really irony to see such glorious things down and forgotten, we should focus and engage others to aware our people to save other things of the city.


Hisam Memon Karachi

27th December 2011

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